

Ukrainian refugees in conflict with conniving boss

The Netherlands has received a number of Ukrainian refugees over the past two years. The government and local authorities have made multiple statements of how they stand with the ukrainian people, how they will offer them safety and even the opportunity for work. What was not discussed was the vulnerability of these newly arrived workers […]


What we’ve been up to: April ’24

Nederlandse versie We’ve been at it lately! The fight against Lupi Coffee continues! It’s become a waiting game now that it’s reached the legal stage. If you’ve had any trouble with Lupi as an employee, contact us! We’ve been approached by a kitchen help at the Amsterdam branch of of a hostel chain who’s organising […]


Lupi is only an example

Nederlandse versie The fight against Hossein Akef’s exploitation of workers continues. Even though he lost the court case in an attempt to silence us and his ex employees (, the Lupi Man has decided to appeal the court’s decision. He can prepare for another loss. We are continuing actions against this business, and will continue […]


Akef denies being Akef on the phone

Nederlandse versie We sit together to call Akef. We’re calling his personal mobile number, which is available from the business register, anonymously. Akef: Hello. HU: Yes, hello, you’re speaking to [name] from Horeca United; am I speaking to Mr Hossein Akef? Akef: No, but what can I do for you? HU: Well, we’ve sent you […]


Our Lupi voku tour

Nederlandse versie The struggle against Lupi has not been forgotten about. Since our day in court with Akef in October, we’ve kept our publishing about the dispute to a minimum, working in the background, but working nonetheless. We didn’t approach media, didn’t carry out actions, and kept our website down during the negotiations as a […]